Hello, finally I'm back to my blog!!! I'm ALIVE......
Happy now? hehe
Since August 2011,it's been almost 1 years I didn't share what happened to me. Sorry, busy months,lazyness was attacking me ;)
This is my new blog cause my old blog already lose. why? I'm forgot to my password Haha lol

Saturday night in my room, and miss so badly my boy :'(
Oke di MID semester 5 ini gue dapetinnilai2 yang lumayan.not bad at all,but I still be grateful for next semester.kalo perlu sampe semesternanti deh ga MID doang hehehe amiin! welcome six semester :)))))
waktu memang tak berhenti berputar.terasa baru kemaren jadi siswa kelas sepuluh,tiba tiba udah mau semester enam aja......i hope i've used my time wisely. amin!